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Pulau Tioman

So you want to get a diving license but the prices around Indonesia and Thailand are making you think twice? I give you Tioman Island – some of you have probably heard of it but you have to know that the island offers unique diving experiences and sites that are ideal for you to get your license.


But before we go any further, let me emphasize that both boat transfer services and resorts on Pulau Tioman only operate during the dry season from March to September and close again in October due to the rainy weather and rough seas. But other than that, with the island being overly popular among Malaysians and Singaporeans, you might well want to skip the holiday seasons.

Unlike other surrounding islets, Pulau Tioman is one that’s bigger in size – in fact, there are even a few villages around the island with various beaches, as well as a waterfall to explore!


At the northwest of the island, Salang Village sees a lot of divers, with hostels and budget stays aligned, so it’s the perfect spot to settle down if you’re keen to mingle with the young diving crowd. However, it still maintains its traditional appeal.

To get in touch with the local way of life, you could explore Tekek – this is where most of the locals reside and work. It is also the ‘capital’ town of Tioman but does not feature nice beaches.

But for really nice scenery though, you should definitely head over to Juara – it’s the best option too if you’re looking for quiet beaches and peaceful stays. Plus, you can always head to the party areas with the local 4×4 taxi services!

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