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Pulau Tinggi


My first experience coming to Pulau Tinggi was like a dream. The island was so pretty and mesmerizing. My first trip there was with a few of my course mate. We go there in hope to unwind ourselves from the pressure and stress of collage, and from what i have experience it was the definitely the right choice of place.


Our first stop was at the Tanjung Leman Jetty. From there we park our car at the Tanjung Leman Jetty as they have a 24 hours guard service so leaving our cars there was safe enough but you do need to pay for the parking though RM4 a day and RM8 onward. After that we took a speed boat ride to Pulau Tinggi at around 9 am . The journey took around 2 hours to reach the island. Once there we went to the resort counter to rent a camp site, we choose a camping option because of budget cuts. We took 2 camp site we also brought our own tent. The camp site location is what makes it special, its located near the beach so every morning we woke up the chill sea breeze. After setting up our tent which took around an hour to set up, some of my friends decided to take a rest so i leave them to it while me and another friend went strolling around the beach to take in the scenery and took some picture.


At around 7PM after we done our Maghrib prayer and yes the resort also provide a small mosque for prayers. We set up a BBQ pit which we rented from the resort  which include all the BBQ equipment and a pack of charcoal. We cook and eat to our heats content, under the clear starry sky couple with the cold sea breeze. It was a memory that I can never forget.

The next morning after we had our breakfast at the resort. We took a snorkeling and Island hoping package from the resort. We visited eight small island around Pulau Tinggi and stop on 2 point for snorkeling. One thing for certain it was amazing. It felt like I'm in another world while I was snorkeling, I understand now why they call the Island "a snorkelers heaven". It was beautiful, the sea shores was pack full of under water sea creatures. I felt like I just to dive in and stay down there while I was snorkeling, it was so calm and peaceful seeing the fishes in their natural habitat. After 2 and a half hours of constant amusement the boat took us back to the main island. It makes me sad to leave the place every time I think about it. After arriving at the main island we rest and had our lunch. Some of my friends went fishing nearby the beach.


The next morning me and my friends went jungle trekking. We rent a guide provided by the resort for RM45 per person. The trip took about 4 hours in total. Be sure to get a guide as the forest here are wild and untamed so it is quite easy to get lost in it. While on our journey, I got to see lots of flora and fauna. This is due to the fact the Island and its forest a still untouched by human and the locals there cared for the island's well being. At the end of the jungle trekking journey we were mesmerized by the sight of a beautiful hidden water fall. We spent around an hour there just playing in the cold water falls. One of my friend brought his camping gear which include a portable cooker, so we made some cook some instant noodle while we relax near the waterfall, we took the trash back with us of course after were done. After we had our fun and joy we journey back to the resort which took about 2 hours to reach. After arriving at the resort we took a bath at the public shower provided by the resort and we took a rest after that.

The next morning we pack up all our camping gear as it was time for to go back home. We waited by the dock for our speed boat to come and pick us up. Thankfully when we arrive at the jetty our cars was still in one shape. Thinking back at the memory and experience I had at that island, it was the best experience I ever had and maybe after the Covid-19 lock down have been lifted, maybe I'll go on another trip with my family.  

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